Application Format If you have no access to TeamSpeak or if you are staff on another server then your application will be instantly denied.
Being an active player, contributing to the sense of community and advertising (and voting obviously) for the server are all factors taking into account when deciding to promote someone to staff.
1) Basic Information - In-Game username: Timezone: Age:
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a working microphone? (yes/no) Do you have the ability to record an advertising video? (yes/no)
Are you multilingual? (Fluent in multiple languages. Not just learning a new one.)
2) Where are you most active on Safe Haven?
Do you actively use the forums? Do you enjoy being in-game more? Do you prefer PKing, PVMing or Skilling?
3) How much time do you have to contribute to the role?
4) Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details.
5) SCENARIO: Suppose it's your first week of being a Helper and you mute a well-known player. Their mates start spamming you, calling you a bad Helper and telling you to unmute them. What would you do?
6) Tell us about one of your best moments on Safe Haven!
7) Tell us about a time you made a mistake within the last year? How did you deal with it? What did you learn?
8) Why do you think you are fit for the role?
9) Do you have any previous server moderation or leadership experience?
If so explain what role you played, what skills/experiences you picked up and how this will help you in your role as a helper. Provide proof.
10) Anything else we should know?