Rules are subject to change, so make sure to check back every now and then to see if anything has changed.
Be kind to other players. If you want to swear, go ahead. But don't go off being a dick to people. Racism, homophobism, any other deragatory and discriminatory offenses will not be allowed. Repeated reports by multiple players will result in a 48 hour mute, multiple offences may result in a ban.
Staff impersonation is not allowed, if you are reported for doing this with sufficient proof you may be banned on the spot.
No clicking bots, any software or autoclicker that copies your mouse movement and clicks gives you an unfair advantage and wil result in a ban.
Multi-logging is okay to a degree. You may have up to 2 accounts logged in at once, but both cannot be doing bossing. Your accounts will first get kicked and warned. Repeated offenders may be banned on the spot.
Safe spotting is not allowed, if you find a spot where you can practically afk a boss, you have to report it to Jetse. The punishment for safe spotting is a 24 hour ban and the removal of all items obtained while safe spotting.
Abusing bugs, if you're found conciously abusing a bug rather than reporting them this could easily result in a ban. All items acquired during the abuse will be returned or your account will be permanently banned. We have the right to guess what you have gained from abusing the bug and remove these items from you.
Don't spam, Continuous spamming that has no real value will result in a mute.