::vote - redirects you to the voting page. ::reward "id" "ammount" - claim your vote reward..
::commands - redirects you to here.
::donate/::store - redirects you to the store.
::discord - opens our discord.
::forums - opens our forums.
::rules - opens our rulepage.
::home - teleports you home.
::edge - teleports you to edgeville.
::gamble - teleports you to the gambling area.
::trade - teleports you to the trading area.
::shops - teleports you to the shops at home.
::chill - teleports you to the chill area.
::trio - teleports you to trio.
::kfc - teleports you to KFC.
::zulrah - teleports you to Zykrah
::maxhit Melee.
::maxhit Range.
::whatdrops (itemname) - finds out what NPC drops an item.
::drops - find out what's on an NPC's droptable.
::tome - get a tome of inquisition, used to view NPC drop table.
::toggleglobalmessages - filters out the Global Messages.
::empty - clears your inventory.
::decant - decants your potions.
::players - shows who's online.
Donator commands.
::bank - donator command, activates after 50 euros donated.
::setyelltitle "____" - sets your yell title.
::dzone/::memberzone - teleports you to the member's area.
::yell - serverwide messages.